Friday, November 19, 2010


Good day to all. Today i made card to show case beautiful " Pansy Papers" from Stampin Dragon Designs. You can find this paper at the store. I just love colours of this flowers. When i look on them, they remind me puppy face. LOL. One of those puddles kind. So anyway, here is my card.
I have an old robber stamp Pansy, i used only ones, so it was prefect with this Paper. I try to colour, to mach colors of paper.

Here is simple finish on the inside, with other sheet of paper. Ah, just love them.

And my old lace from the stash.

My girls from DT, made some gorgeous cards to showcase too. You can see links to theirs blog on the rite side bar. Go and check them out.
Just a little reminder about our challenge at Stampin With The Dragon. We are having BIGEST PRIZES ever. So if you didn't know about, you still have one week to enter your cards.
Big hugs to all. Nataliya.
Challenge i like to play;
Wag's and Whiskers-lawander and lace
DigisDoodles-anything goes
Hodge Podge-anything goes
Paper Romance-fave things
Fab'n'Funky-forgat me not


  1. oh gorgeous and love the delicate edging
    Kate x

  2. WOW Nat the papers look awesome tysm :)

    Stampin Dragon Designs

  3. Your coloring of flowers is incredible. Awesome card.

  4. Nat this is soooo pretty, I know how much you love this stamp and have wanted to use it, this is just perfect.....TFS!!!!

  5. Very beautiful card. Thanks for joining us at the Hodge Podge Shop.
    hugs Linda

  6. Beautiful,lovely colours, thanks for joining us this week at Fab N Funky...Karen

  7. Very nice, thanks for joining us at Digi Doodle Shops Best.

  8. Very pretty card, I like the lace frame, thank you for joining us at Digi Doodle Shop's Best this week
    Ruth x

  9. So colorful and beautiful card !

    Thanks for joining us at Digi Doodle Shops Best, hop to see you again.

    I am posting this to all those I comment on, so you might have got this before, if so I hope it’s ok to get it again :D
    I am one of the DT members at DDSB and I want to tell you about group I have opened at PCP “Fan’s of Digi Doodle Shop” and you are so very welcome to join us there :D

    All the best to you, Jóna

  10. Beautifully done! Thank you for joining us at Paper Romance!

  11. This is just beautiful. I have a bunch of these stamps myself and I think they're gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your talent with us this week at The Hodge Podge Shop! Hope you join us again soon. BTW, I have candy on my blog if you're interested!


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